Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have you ever done at least one of these?

Annoying things to do in an elevator

1.Walk on with a cooler that is labeled "HUMAN HEAD" on the side.

2.Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!"

3.Crack open your briefcase of purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?

4.Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.

5.When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.

6.Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.

7.Meow occasionally.

8.Bet the other passengers you can fit a quarter in your nose.

9.Stare at another passenger for awhile, then announce in horror, "You're one of THEM" and back away slowly.

10.Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.

11.Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.

12.Annouce in a demonic voice, "I must find a more suitable host body."

13.Say "Ding" at each floor.

14.Say "I wonder what all these do?" and push all the red buttons.

15.Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.

16.Stare, grinning at another passenger for awhile, and then announce, "I have new socks on."

17.When the elevator is silent, look around and ask, "Is that your beeper?"

18.Try to make personal calls on the emergency phone.

19.Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is my personal space."

20.When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.

21.Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.

22.Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.

23.Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor you're on.

24.Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"

25.Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"

23.Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.

24.Move your desk in to the elevator and whenever someone gets on, ask if they have an appointment.

25.Lay down a Twister mat and ask people if they'd like to play.

26.Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on ask them if they hear something ticking.

27.Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.

28.Ask, "Did you feel that?"

29.Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.

30.When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay.

31.Don't panic, they open up again."

32.Swat at flies that don't exist.

33.Tell people that you can see their aura.

34.Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.


36.On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go "plink" at the bottom.

37.Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"

38.When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now... motion sickness!"

39.Frown and mutter "gotta go, gotta go" then sigh and say "oops!"

40.Show other passengers a wound and ask if it looks infected.

41.Leave a box between the doors.

42.Wave hands wildly at invisible flies buzzing around your head.

43.Start a sing-along.

44.One word: Flatulence!

45.Do Tai Chi exercises

46.When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now, damn motion sickness!"

47.Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively.

48.If anyone brushes against you, recoil and holler "Bad touch!"

49.Sing "Mary had a little lamb" while continually pushing buttons.

50.Bring a chair along.

51.Lean against the button panel.

52.While the doors are opening, hurriedly whisper, "Hide it...quick!" then whistle innocently.

53.Call out, "group hug!", then enforce it.

Have you ever done at least one of these?

all because I've heard of this list and me and my friends were doing it for fun.

it was sooooo fun!!!
Reply:I don't have an elevator to experiment on
Reply:thats funny, but u repeated a couple
Reply:Ohhh,,,I've definitely tried a few of those...
Reply:30 and 31 mixed into the same sentence.. and some of them you've repeated twice.. lol.. but they're funny.. "I've got new socks on.." funny..
Reply:this is really fun to do!!

But it is now my life's goal to do every single one!!! Except shave, because I'm a girl, and that could be akward...

DUH! an elevator is super small! I need more space than THAT to shave.
Reply:i might try one of these the next time i get on the elevator
Reply:i am going to try some tomorrow
Reply:16 and 37 are the same....
Reply:Don't think I could pull any of them off with a straight face. Super funny tho. I would die laughing
Reply:That's HILARIOUS!

I love 24. Hi Greg how's your day been!

lol! 10/10

40 Tips for living life?

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.

3. Buy a TIVO, tape your late night shows and get more sleep.

4. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement: My purpose is to___________ today.

5. Live with the 3 E's. Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy.

6. Watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did in 2006.

7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong, prayer, or whatever you believe. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.

8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.

9. Dream more while you are awake.

10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less foods that are manufactured in plants.

11. Drink green tea %26amp; plenty of water and eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli,almonds %26amp; walnuts.

40 Tips for living life?
I needed that after my ALREADY stressful day at work...Good tips!
Reply:Don't forget to laugh, cry and think everyday. Great tips.
Reply:not to rip u but 21 have a sex life

pet your pet is another good one
Reply:40 Tips for Living Life:

1. Live it under God.

2. Live for a purpose.

3. Live loving people.

4. Whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord.

5. Live at peace with others.

6. Make it your goal to make others successful.

7. Prioritize your life.; it is so short (70 - 80 years; Ps 90:10)

8 - 40 Practice 1 -7.
Reply:Don't sweat the small stuff. Do unto others as you wish others to do unto you.
Reply:Like the song says, live your life like your dying.
Reply:I just wanted to say that all these things to live by are cool, but also, another good thing that wasn't mentioned is to have a pet, they're good for your heart and soul.

Where can i find instructions for making a sword sheathe?

i have 3 wooden practice swords and i want a sheathe for them that i can make with stuff lying around the house. when i make side or back sheathes, they hold the sword in an akward position that the sword is NOT suposed to be in. please help me. i have a katana, a tai chi, and a longsword

Where can i find instructions for making a sword sheathe?
you should contact someone in the sca in your local area and join, you would love it and there are lots of people there who can help you, just put SCA into a web search and then look for your area of the country, canada and many other countries are included. enjoy.
Reply:What is the point of that? It is simply not appropriate (and highly disrespectful I might add) to practice the draw or the draw and cut with a wooden sword. Those swords are for live work with a human being (so you can practice without killing them). They can also be a weapon all their own but of a different character. But for Iaido, the art of carry, draw and cut, you use a real sword.

Those other swords are not real swords. You might disagree but if it ever came down to it you would simply be killed.

I've always walked to keep in shape but this usually grinds to a halt when winter rolls around. I've read a

bit about Tai Chi, and am interested in learning for when the weather is miserable and for the later years. As a beginner, where would be a good place to start?

I've always walked to keep in shape but this usually grinds to a halt when winter rolls around. I've read a
If you belong to a gym, check there. If not, try your local community center. Or look for it on DVD.


Which style of karate is best for me?

I'm looking to take up the martial arts, but I'm looking for a style that combines a good amount of meditation (Tai Chi style) and at the same time an excellent, full workout on muscular strength and flexibility.

Any suggestions?

Also, does anyone have a good place that matches this, in NYC?

Which style of karate is best for me?
Most Traditional Martial Arts will have a meditative or spiritual aspect to it; but what you focus on putting into it, you'll get it in return, and all martial arts will give you a ceratin degree of workout with your muscular system as well as a good source of cardio and endurance training.

the discipline doesn't matter, it's the frequency and quality of your training that will allow you to improve, and not the difference in disciplines.

as far as flexibility is concerned, you have to train at it to gain flexibility through stretching and continue to train to keep the flexibility as you will lose some flexibility over time but very little.
Reply:Tang Soo!

good to hear from fellow Moo Duk Kwan practitioners

Good luck in progressing your Martial Arts knowledge with whatever discipline you choose, I myself have taken up Hapkido to make myself a more well rounded Martial Artist Report It

Reply:I'm a black belt in Wado Kai and it is very good for both...make sure you have a reputable teacher.
Reply:I do have a good place in NYC that does match this as far as training goes, however any meditative art is not likely going to teach you to fight or fitness. I'll email you the information because He is in semi-retirement now and the only contact information I have is a phone number and address.

EDIT: To the poster below. Can you send me the info about the Tai Chi guy in the bronx? I'm not interested in becoming his student but It always interests me to see someone who can actually apply tai chi properly, I have only met one instructor to ever do so and am curious. It isn't Novell is it? I wasn't aware he taught tai chi if it is him.
Reply:Tai Chi doesn't have to be a meditative form of martial arts.

There used to be a gorgeous, peaceful guy named Jose Figueroa who taught Tai Chi course at Wave Hill in the Bronx on Saturdays. I asked him did he teach real martial arts rather than Tai Chi. He said Tai Chi is a real martial arts and showed the moves in fast motion, which blew my mind. I went on the website and another instructor teaches there now.

What about Capoeira? You need a lot of strength and agility for that form.
Reply:Please be aware that all karate's are martial arts but not all martial arts are karate.

I highly recommend that you seek a good place to train instead of a good style. Do not put too much emphasis on style.

Also if all you want is a meditation and a workout, most of your local gyms should be able to provide this. A martial art is not needed to achieve these ends.Taking a martial art offers one more detail that you are not mentioning, self-defense. If you really don't have interest in self-defense you may quickly grow weary of your training.
Reply:Any traditional style should meet your needs. It's not the style, it's the school %26amp; the instructor. Talk to the instructor before signing up. In our Tae Kwon Do organization, we have both meditation %26amp; physical workouts, but, unfortunately, we don't have any schools in the NYC area.

Good luck
Reply:As I've experienced thus far most karate styles lack a good amount of meditation. usually it will get you fit though. the Chinese internal martial arts like Tao Chi, Bagua and Xing Yi integrate martial, health and meditative aspects. They can be practiced into old age. Check out the 100 year old man performing a Bagua sword form on youtube! It's difficult to find good teachers though. Apart from their knowledge and their ability to transfer their knowledge to students there are a lot of people who start teaching after a 10 day course in Tai Chi for example. If you want to combine fitness, meditation and gain an ability to defend yourself Bagua could be your thing. I know of two teachers in NYC; a guy called the Black Taoist and Frank Allen. Don't know their credentials, but you can find them on the net.

Job Application, what they sat and what they mean?

I know how to deal with stressful situations:

I'm usually on Prozac. When I'm not, I take lots of cigarette and coffee breaks.

I seek a job that will draw upon my strong communication %26amp; organizational skills:

I talk too much and like to tell other people what to do.

I'm extremely adept at all manner of office organization:

I've used Microsoft Office.

My pertinent work experience includes:

I hope you don't ask me about all the McJobs I've had.

I take pride in my work:

I blame others for my mistakes.

I'm balanced and centered:

I'll keep crystals at my desk and do Tai Chi in the lunchroom.

I have a sense of humor:

I know a lot of corny, old jokes and I tell them badly.

I'm willing to relocate:

As I leave San Quentin, anywhere's better.

I'm extremely professional:

I carry a Day-Timer.

My background and skills match your requirements:

You're probably looking for someone more experienced.

I am adaptable:

I've changed jobs a lot.

I am on the go:

I'm never at my desk.

I'm highly motivated to succeed:

The minute I find a better job, I'm outta there.

I have formal training:

I'm a college dropout.

I interact well with co-workers:

I've been accused of sexual harassment.

Thank you for your time and consideration:

Wait! Don't throw me away!

Job Application, what they sat and what they mean?
you have been reading my application, i showed you that in confidence,pmsl

Reply:sorry the post as been
Reply:"We're not quite finished interviewing candidates--we'll let you know in a few days. Don't call us-we'll call you."
Reply:hahaha your jokes always put me in a good mood. lol
Reply:I like
Reply:Good one!


your best yet
Reply:hahahahahaaa brilliant!!!

Taking this one into work with me next week....,,pmsl
Reply:ha ha ha funny
Reply:Hahahahahahaaa, that was soooooooo funny.
Reply:lmao , good one...thx for makng my day and cheering me up with your jokes and cheering me up, another awesome joke. Your on a roll today, keep em
Reply:i believe all those but babyblue going back to work is a bit far fetched

sorry for late answers

i been a tad busy

good one!!


Can anyone give any first hand knowledge of the benefits of FENG SHUI...???

i received a mailing from a woman who is touted as being a great great feng shui-er; there were many comments from satisfied customers giving glorified comments regarding received benefits... promised better health, better relationship, better life in general... im a ny'er so im cynical, but i like to believe that there is something to these ancient eastern arts like YOGA, FENG SHUI, QI GONG, TAI CHI...etc...

also if anyone has any favorite books on the subect that'd be way cool... happy holidays all

Can anyone give any first hand knowledge of the benefits of FENG SHUI...???
there is no book or website that tell all about what fengshui is about. most info that is out there is about clack hat fengshui or clearing clutter fengshui, which is not what most chinese fengshui masters use.

i learned fengshui from a couple of chinese masters. and fengshui is really about the fengshui concepts and techniques. it starts as chi having qualities of yin and yang, then from there, the different concepts are derived, from where the techniques are taken.

remember that fengshui is not a belief, not a religion, not a philosophy. and you don't need to be psychic to learn fengshui. you just need a luo pan or a common compass. though a luo pan is more than a compass, because each ring on the compass represents a technique. so when you understand and know how to use th luo pan, you basically know fengshui.

there is a book that teaches flying stars called A Master Course in Feng-shui by Eva Wong (ISBN: 1-57062-584-0): this book just teaches 1 technique; get the second edition as it has more exercises at the back of the book.

you need to understand that different masters have different takes on the same concept. and msot authors do not write about the real purpose or secret use of a concept/ technique.

ms. lillian too is a good writer, but she is no fengshui master. she learned fengshui from yap cheng hai. but both are offering fengshui courses around the world. why learn from an amateur, when you can learn from the master?

if you are interested in attending fegnshui seminars, do research on the person teaching fengshui, regarding his/ her experiences in fengshui. the more they are exposed in the fengshui consulting business, the better. and not all fengshui seminars are expensive. try
Reply:well...I personally believe practices like Feng Shui are best when you study them %26amp; jump in %26amp; do it yourself...maybe have a skilled practicioner guide you a wee bit. But, I think the most benifit comes from learning %26amp; experinceing the effects for yourself...I organize my room according to the princples of Feng Shei %26amp; it gives me a sense of organazation... knowing where everything is...%26amp; freedom to move things around %26amp; see the diffrernce in how the space feels... it just generally makes me more aware %26amp; presenet to my daily life.

Is there an arts/music scene in Kuwait?

I've been reading about Kuwait, and all accounts depict it as a modern country with lots of shopping, cinemas, etc. I'm aware that alcohol is illegal -- that doesn't bother me. Do the coffee shops ever have live music? Is there any culture besides going to the movies? Live theater? Dance? Art exhibits? If I take my guitar, will I have the opportunity to connect with other musicians to play music? I looked at the websites for Kuwait Univ. and American Univ. in Kuwait -- no programs in fine arts or music! What about yoga or tai chi classes -- anything like that? I'm interested in these kinds of activities because I am an artsy-alternative-minded person soon moving to Kuwait for the next few years. How would I best connect with like-minded people?

Is there an arts/music scene in Kuwait?
Via internet.

All the best!/

myspace codes

Why do most Catholics?

Say they are Christian, but then accept like Yoga and Tai Chi and other practices that the Bible clearly forbids.

This one Catholic lady was telling me all about alternative medicine and Chinese medicine. I was like "let me out of here!"....

I mean, why not just start practicing vodoo too?

Why do most Catholics?
The caths are into purgatory and Mary's perpetual virginity. Neither are Biblical.
Reply:I feel so very sorry for you....

First, show me where in the bible it says "Thou shall not do Chinese medicine."

Second, do you seriously not know the difference between yoga and voodoo?

You will be in my prayers.
Reply:We do NOT accept Yoga and Tai Chi.

That lady was a whackjob.

And how can you talk to one deluded lady and translate that into "Most Catholics"?
Reply:WTF? The bible does not condem yoga, come on! running out of anti-catholic stuff already?

I have no clue what tai chi is though.
Reply:the bible doesnt ban those things.

correct me if im wrong.
Reply:Because most religious people are the same.... they pick and choose what they want to do.... even if it means practicing the new "trendy" thing from another religion/culture against the "rules" of the religion/culture they are involved with.
Reply:catholicism+ voodoo= Santeria right?
Reply:Ummm, correct me if I'm wrong but Yoga and Tai Chi were never mentioned in the Bible. How can it "clearly forbid" something that it doesn't mention?

And, seriously, if you think that learning self-defense (Tai Chi) or learning effective methods for relaxation (Yoga) are one step away from "voodoo" you must be one stressed out person.
Reply:You are using the word most again you really need to control your love of this abused word, most Catholics do not accept yoga or Tai Chi and other practices that the Bible forbids, having said that you people love to ask us to show you were a certain word is mentioned in the bible i.e Pope or Immaculate conception etc, so can you tell me were the word Rapture is printed in the bible,or the so called phrase` Once saved always saved`?

I wont even mention tai chi or yoga;
Reply:Yoga and Tai Chi, practiced solely as exercise is not forbidden. The only problem is when yoga and tai chi are ususally taught along with eastern religion.

Alternative and Chinese medicines are also forbidden? Does this mean that all persons who were treated with nonpharmaceutical medicines prior to the 20th century are damned?
Reply:Not a Catholic here, but where in the Bible does it say that? Also, why would anyone follow a book of myths that is so flawed, and you still want to live your life by that? The Bible can not even get the story of Jesus to be the same or even close.
Reply:Because they have health benefits. My gosh, things have progressed since the biblical times. Coincidentally, I wouldn't drink any form of tea or eat any type of herb or seasoning. You might be accused of the doing the very same stuff.
Reply:The Catholic dogma and ordinances in general are against the original laws of Moses. I don't see anywhere in the New Testament where ideas of other cultures is forbidden. Egyptian medicine was used by the Jews and Gentiles of the time.

To narrow your mind to be completely prejudiced against other societies and cultures would be AGAINST the New Testament. Paul was specifically sent out to teach and to learn.

Those Nuns must have slapped your hands too hard with a ruler.
Reply:I've read the Bible and I don't recall it forbidding alternative medicine or Chinese medicine.

It also doesn't mention Yoga or Tai Chi.

I'm guessing you know very little about Yoga, Tai Chi or alternative medicine.

also, the Bible says parents should kill their daughters if they fornicate, that people shouldn't eat shellfish, that women shouldn't adorn themselves with jewelry or speak in church, and all manner of other things that even Christians today have the common sense to ignore.

Each Christian has their own "comfort zone" regarding what sorts of practices they can engage in with a clear conscience. This issue is addressed in the New Testament when Paul talks about some eating meat and others not. And he characterizes it as a "weakness in faith" on the part of those who believe certain things are not allowable and asks the others to bear with those weaker ones and not make them stumble.

So, you should probably direct your spiritual energies toward your own relationship with God and focus on your own boundaries, rather than trying to dictate the terms by which other Christians should live.
Reply:You are obviously one of those people that believes everything that your spiritual leader tells you and have not checked things out yourself. This is the definition of a sheep.

When you pray, it is a form of meditation that I have heard people say is of the devil. Knowlege is a great thing, lack of it is scary. I would be very interested to see what your concepts are about Yoga, Tai Chi and Voodoun. True knowledge is the key that unlocks the door to enlightenment.
Reply:Tai chi and yoga are just physical exercises and they have nothing to do with faith as far as Catholics are concerned. You won't hear them chanting in Sanskrit. Our church also hosts the WIC program, a government program for mothers with small children, but they are merely providing the facilities.

Some Catholics have a life beyond religion. There's nothing sacred about Western pharmacology. If Chinese medicine works for some people, why not let them use it? It doesn't make them Buddhists.

Some Evangelical Christians tend to confuse appearances with reality. The parish is not endorsing the non-religious activities, only providing facilities for people who need them. It's a form of loving one's neighbor. It would not provide them for a group that was truly antithetical to Christianity.
Reply:exactly where does the bible forbid yoga, tai chi or alternative medicine.

this attitude is the reason european culture was held back by a dogmatic, distorted view of christianity for millenia
Reply:It is a fact that some Protestants do the same things........and this is an abomination in God's eyes. Christians who delve into this stuff are badly deceived, may God have mercy on them.
Reply:maybe you would be happier if we drank poison or got bitten by venomous snakes.

Hallelujah, I'm goin' to Jaysus Camp, 'cuz Reverend Jim-Bob told me to.
Reply:First of all, when just used for the exercise, there is NOTHING wrong with Yoga....but Catholics should not be messing with the meditative aspects of any religions other than Christianity.

Alternative medicines are no problem,'s when you start messing in New Age practices like "stones" haveing healing powers- THEN you are getting out of line with Catholic teachings.

Stress, how to physically relax?

I have a stressful daycare job, it's both physical and mental stress. Physically I'm picking up heavy children while they are kicking and screaming. Mentally I'm dealing with children screaming, unhappy parents, co-workers, and boss. I have no time to exercise, although I have tried tai chi.

Stress, how to physically relax?
There are some techniques you should definitely try for stress relief:

%26gt; Practice deep breathing- a search on the net should show you the technique for this. It is proven to relax, physically.

%26gt; When you have a moment, imagine relaxing scenarios, like a beach or a forest- anything that gives you a good feeling.

%26gt; Call a friend or family member, even just to listen to their answering machines- by hearing their voice studies have shown that you will automatically start to physically relax.

Hopefully some of those tips help you. Good luck!
Reply:A relaxing bath, some soothing music, meditation, prayer, deep breathing exercises, a 20 min walk. These are some of the things i do to relax and also important to make time for yourself just doing nothing. Good luck and God bless
Reply:There are a lot of really good articles on these subjects at ( ) They have whole sections on how stress relates to work and kids.

I feel suicidal x?

i feel so suicidal! yesterday me and my mum had an argument over bedding and she stormed off as f she was sick if me and i got realy upsett for some reason and grabbed the shrpest thing nearest to me and cut my self! i havent eaten since either and this was 2 days ago! and today i was at the gym with her and her friend and in this tai-chi thingy lesson she just went off and bummed her friend and i felt left out and upsett and our teacher person asked if i was ok and my mum sed "yeh shees fine" when i wasent! and now i think my friend is trying to steal my boyfriend " the only person i got at the moment" and if i loose him i got no one and now i just feel lyk dieng! i have the most terible tummy ache i am soo hungry but when i look at food i wretch! and thats also getting me down as i need to eat! but i just cant! i tryed talking to people but they never help! if my mum ever finds out i am deppressed she will killl! she allways thinks i am being stupid! help x

I feel suicidal x?
Honey please talk to your mom or an adult that you trust or even me (I can help) about what's going on. Please realize that even though things seem really bad right now there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and believe me there are millions of people who have it way worse than you. Taking your own life is quitting just giving up and life is too short to do this. You have to learn to bob and weave when life throws blows. Be strong and take care. Please let me know if you would like to talk I personally have been through more things than you could ever imagine and instead of letting these things bring me to my knees I have allowed them to make me a better and stronger woman. Please let me know so I can give you my email address.... Stay strong and focused and please try to eat something it will make you feel alot better.
Reply:Get a grip of yourself. There is a way out of everything
Reply:There's ALWAYS a way out of everything! Just listen to some music, and think of positive things. Go for a walk and clear your mind. If you need any other help, just talk to me =)
Reply:I'm sorry for the situation you're going through; but yeah, you should go see a counsellor or a doctor. Good luck!
Reply:i think maybe you should call a rap line in your area and talk to them about how you feel. you should also consider seeing a counselor or a Doctor. there are lots of medications to help depression. as for the eating, try to at least get something in your stomach. without food, you have no energy.
Reply:wo wo wo what the hell

1.stop with the cutting obviously you dont want to die because you wouldnt be askin for help.

2.try and eat force it down

3.go and see your doctor tell him/her what your feeling and your situation and will give you some good advice

please stay away from sharp stuff
Reply:DO NOT KILL YOURSELF!!! This too shall pass.
Reply:Like you, I had many negative remarks from my parents when I was young, it could have ruined my life, but I didn't seek death, as often as I sought happiness.

I was shy as a direct result of my father being unable to praise me for anything I did as a child, any school work I took home was a waste of time, and when I started beating him at games of draughts (checkers in USA) he simply stopped playing with me.

My father told me other people were only after my money, but my desire for happiness had me pay out £17.50p for a course which taught me how to value myself, how to be what I wanted to be, how to be self confident, and how to be happy, I have never looked back since.

Seek happiness rather than an escape, and no one, not even your mother will be able to hurt you, when you find it.
Reply:hey sweetie, if things get bad with your mam just remember shes only trying her best, youll understand one day! just take yourself off for a walk or something or what i do is write it down even if you just rip it up and throw it away. sounds odd but it does work.

you do need to stop cutting yourself, its not a road you want to go down.if you feel angry go to your gym and kick the hell out of a punch bag!!

make your self eat! maybe a little toast, or some soup. even just a banana or something start little and try something bigger.

sounds like you need a few friends if your "friends" are fobbing you off and trying to pinch your boyfriend. talk to him about your friend, see what he says. shes maybe just being over friendly, but then maybe not!!

you can go to the doctors your self with out your mam, she doesnt need to know. the doctor is not allowed to tell your mam anything. too many parents dont tell their children that. if you feel like you need help, go dont be affraid.

if you need someone to talk to im here if you ever need to hun.

take care of yourself xx
Reply:I'm sorry you're not feeling too great.

If you're in the UK, have you tried

You can email

They are ever so helpful :)

Hope you feel better soon hun :)

Reply:Drop what ever you are doing and FIND a number that can give you anon help if you can not see someone.

Then, you need to find a way to see someone. You're mother will not kill you. She will be upset or feel that is her fault in some way, but she will not kill you. And in the end this isn't about HER, it's about YOU. YOU need some help, not HER. Its a big step to take, but worth taking.

Trust me sweet pea, I spent 4 days in a psych ward over it. It's not worth it. Stand up for yourself and get what you deserve.
Reply:for a start You Are NOT stupid, go for a walk and count chimneys, your not alone I've got scars and fag burns on me form when i felt suicidal go to your doctor or hospital and ask to speak to someone if no one will listen, their are also community mental health teams. you might be looking to much into your best friends intentions, and your mother might not realise how you feel. befor going to bed each night make a list of what your go ing to do the next day and do it.
Reply:I do not know where your living or how old but if you are near to northants call The Safe Haven on 01536 461414 or 01536 397407 saturday to tuesday evenings from 6pm to 2am 0r email the there are very caring and understanding staff on hand to talk over your feelings with.

Non judgmental and independent of the authority. Self referral to them is the normal way.

Good Luck things will sort themselves out I am sure. Take care you are better than this you can beat it.
Reply:okay this is bad, but you don't need me telling you that.

you shouldn't be cutting yourself but you are. if you really feel the need to do it again, at least prepare some essentials to treat the cut first. taking the time to layout a clean knife, a cloth to stop the bleeding, antiseptic and a bandage will often bring the reality of what you are planning to do into a very clear light. if this still doesn't stop you at least you are prepared for the worst.

you need to eat something, so try hot soup or cup-a-soup, weetabix with warm milk or just some bread and butter. they're not that hard to face and stay down real easy.

ask your friend to back off a little bit, say that you're feeling very vunerable right now and that you feel she's encrouching on the relationship with your boyfriend. you're going to need her support and if she doesn't understand this maybe you shouldn't associate yourself with her.

as for this relationship with your mother, she needs to step off and realise that you have a problem. she's your mother for god's sake! she should be the one person who wants more than anything to make sure you get better. talk to her about all of this because she will find out one way or the other. she has to notice that somethings up, especially when cuts start regularly appearing.

lastly go to your doctor and ask about your options. there's no obligation to do what they suggest but at least you are more informed.

if the talk with your mum doesn't go well then get yourself to your nearest hospital. tell them you're suicidal and they'll put you in one of the wards. they'll also be able to make arrangements for you to stay in a shelter if life at home is too much. distance yourself from her for a while and let her think about how her actions have affected your relationship. if she doesn't come to you and apologise for making you feel bad then you don't need her in your life right now.

get yourself better and then start to repair things with her.

i had a similar experience where my mum told me depression was just my excuse for being lazy. i haven't spoken to her since the beginning of the year and although this makes me sad sometimes, i know it's for the best. she was constantly a cause of stress and now i don't have to deal with it. i plan to patch things up with her eventually but not until she understands what i'm going through and i'm in a condition to explain it to her.

oh quick question, how does your dad feel about all this if he's around?

About Chinese culture - Which topic is most attractive to you?

Kung Fu

Feng Shui

Tai Chi

Other (Please state on your answer)

About Chinese culture - Which topic is most attractive to you?
Their religious beliefs.. Seems to be a nice change from Christianity
Reply:feng shui sounds like an interesting topic. =]
Reply:Those are all 3 versions of the same thing.
Reply:Kung Fu!
Reply:I think I like tai chi most because it seems so calming but I hear that if you do it really fast, it can do quite a lot of damage.
Reply:I have been wanting to learn Tai Chi for a very long time. It is such an awesome art to just look at. The amount of control one develops in his/her body is great. Never got around to learning it. Will learn it soon.
Reply:I think the Chinese Acrobats are pretty awesome!! What they do is very interesting %26amp; amazing as well.
Reply:im more intrested in the child slave labor going on there

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Does any one know how to focus chi into bones and muscles and skin?

i have practiced tai chi but still i cant feel chi so i tried chi skin breathing and still very few results have been found dose anyone know a way of how to move chi to my muscels bones and skin if u know a link please do tell thanx

Does any one know how to focus chi into bones and muscles and skin?
This is a process that can only be really felt with good mental imagery. I've read your description and I feel the problem may be that you are focusing chi TO the area and not THROUGH it. I am sure you knwo that Tai chi is about increasing the flow of chi. As such, your imagery must be of the energy flowing into and through the area and out of the body.

Sometimes it helps to think of water sprouting out your finger tips.

Tension doesn't really help in this matter (chi stops at the tensed area and goes nowhere). It helps if your joints and limbs are as least bent as possible, but are also not straight. I have met some people who will make a box shape with their arms when it's supposed to be more circular for the movement.

I take a few martial arts and yoga, and they each have an interesting way of stimulating your internal energy.

However, the real training in the use of your chi doesn't start until you can feel it. It may help to be aware that it will follow your thoughts. This is all i can really give you. It may help to ask your sifu and practice more chi meditation.
Reply:Chi is a myth. It has no basis in reality whatsoever. The only thing that might be close is controlling the amount of blodd flow to a particular area of your body.

"Other feats are much more difficult to explain and require the services of a qualified magician to help design control conditions. When such conditions have been provided, the effect of the Chi power again disappears, leaving little or nothing to support the existence of these powers. A 1988 CSICOP delegation to China provided such tests, and without exception remarkable powers failed to manifest themselves (Kurtz et al. 1988). Sociologist Marcello Truzzi (1985) had a similar experience. I viewed a report on a supposed test of Chi gong-inspired psychokinesis in Taiwan, and I was appalled at just how poorly designed the test was."
Reply:I think you need to work more on your meditation.

Just mimicking the moves won't do it!

Taiji is "meditation in motion"...

Unlike many other objective meditation techniques, your object of focus must be INTERNAL.

If you can master subjective meditation, that works even better!

There are 3 steps that must occur IN SEQUENCE

1. Discovering chi WITHIN YOURSELF.

2. Learning how to manipulate it.

3. Learning how to direct it.

It sounds like you are attempting to start at number 3!

Taiji is an internal martial art.

Internal martial arts can take DECADES to master!

Reply:its hard i can only just feel chi or i should prolly say ki as i am a karate student

if you get someone who is good with chi/ ki to use it on you you can start to feel it more easy try go to a rieki healing or something they are supposed to have very powerful energy
Reply:Well, I must ask you if you are looking for chi or ki. Chi is the body, while Ki is of the mind. Since the body is on the physical realm, it is powerful yet it has limits and complications. Ki on the other hand is said to be more powerful, have less limits and complications than chi, but it is harder to access let alone master.

Since you want chi, I would suggest that you try to get your body in peak performance, while staying healthy. This should help you access it more efficiently as you have less toxins in your system. You should also try to be more in tune with nature. People may disagree with it, but this does work. I am pretty in tune with nature and untamed animals do not flee nor try to attack me when I approach them. Remember, internal martial arts can take decades to master and some have a natural gift to accessing chi and some do not. Give it some time and give many attempts at it.

how to grow pomegranate

Which martial art is more practical and looks better? Bak Mei or Wing Chun or Tai Chi Chuan.?

I know nothing about Bak Mei. Of the other 2, Wing Chun takes much less time to learn. Tai Chi Chuan means grand ultimate fist. Id studied long enough, it is excellent.

Which martial art is more practical and looks better? Bak Mei or Wing Chun or Tai Chi Chuan.?
wing chun kungfu is very practical,and has flowing movements that look better .
Reply:you wanna' do ma to show off and to look good?well if thats what you want join a mcdojo because if their your reasons you'll be wasting your time and money going anywhere hav'n't got what it takes to be a ma if their your reasons.
Reply:HAHA! Practical and look good? What are you trying to do? Impress people you fight? Stupid thing to do! Perfect way to get hurt.
Reply:Wing Chun won't win any awards for looking good. It's a very no-frills style of kung fu. I know little about Bak Mei but from what I've seen on YouTube it's a little more flashy than Wing Chun. It includes tiger and leopard techniques.

learn taekwondo....
Reply:I like Tai Chi Chuan

I'm almost 44 and would like to begin learning Tai Chi. Any suggestions for good videos for beginners?

simplified taichi 24 is easy to learn

about 2 dozens of simple movements of very mild excercise to improve blood circulation, any other simple videos are all right.

I'm almost 44 and would like to begin learning Tai Chi. Any suggestions for good videos for beginners?
why tai chi?

Does anyone know of a beginner course in tai chi being run in a decent venue in central london?

Classes held at Golders Green Parish Church Hall in

West Heath Drive which is just over the road from

Golders Green Tube Station which is on the Northern Line.


Paul Brecher is the Senior W.T.B.A. Instructor for London.

Paul's classes are for both beginers and advanced students and contain training in:

Tai Chi Chuan,

Bagwa Chang and

Wu Tang Shan Chuan.

Just specify which style you would like to learn.


Does anyone know of a beginner course in tai chi being run in a decent venue in central london?
bob breens academy,

He used to train with bruce lee.

very good classes, whatever your level there are different classes to suit from begginner to advanced,

Based in hoxton square, between shoreditch and old street.

Hope this helps.

Reply:Have a look at these:
Reply:Stephanie Fowler

tel: 07946 344 672

James Drewe

tel: 01474-852468

Lam Association

tel: 020 7272 4271

Fujian White Crane Martial Arts

tel: 07958 980 280

Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy

Sifu Chuang Shiou Huey

+44- (0)7906 136 294


What is the best way to learn tai chi?

From DVDs? if yeah which ones plz? And if from school, what shall determine the quality of it? thnx

What is the best way to learn tai chi?
I haven't seen a video that would do you any good yet. But maybe check out YouTube if you have a broadband connection. I have seen some decent videos in there, among the parodies. If you can find some useful exercises from a video, then it couldn't really hurt.

Tai Chi is traditionally taught for free, at dawn, in a public park. The practice was created under the Yellow Emperor as a basic wellness program for the masses. The doctors who designed genuine Tai Chi were the same who devised her brother, Kung Fu, as the fighting form of the two "hard" forms of Qi Gong. *Source, "Secrets of the Yellow Emperor".

When you open up the Yellow Pages, if they don't have a listing for Tai Chi, then contact the Kung Fu schools, as they should know where classes are held and when. If you don't have any Kung Fu schools, then contact your local Asian markets. In the West, what we would call an Asian grocery store, can be the center of communication for networking among fellow expatriates.

*Note that some teachers have modified the system of traditional Tai Chi, into a self defense system as well.

Good luck.

*Note, a style called Tai Chi Chuan has recently taken root as a fighting style. It should not be confused with traditional Tai Chi.
Reply:From your qualified martial arts teacher.
Reply:Tai Chi is very complex and takes lifetimes to master.Videos could be useful for starters,but I'd get a teacher.

good luck
Reply:i think the best way would be for u to inroll in a school that teaches it so the instructor can critic u on what your doing wrong and u can improve and stuff.
Reply:I just started Tai Chi in July and from talking to my classmates who have paid for books and DVDs, it seems that your money is better spent on just on class, especially at the beginning.

Their other comments are that with a DVD, half the time you will be fumbling around with the remote trying to review moves; and a book is even worse because you need to fumble around flipping pages. Its just too distracting, which takes away from the actual practice.

In a class, you have the instructor to give feedback. And I find that my classmates are also helpful and fun to be around.

I'm not sure how to determine the quality, but I suppose you can call your schools to find how many years of practice the instructors have.
Reply:learn it from a qualified trainer (daily if possible) + practise it daily!
Reply:a class is much better than a dvd.

Guys wat do u think about yoga tai chi n stuff???

It's very spiritual, peaceful, and good for calming your nerves and finding inner balance.

If you want to do it, I say go for it.

- 16 yo Pagan

Guys wat do u think about yoga tai chi n stuff???

The sage Patanjali postulated an eight-fold system of spiritual yogic practice for achieving the divine goal. It comprises:

Yam (Controls) Niyam (Rules and regulations) Asan (Bodily Postures) Pranaayam (Breath Control Exercises) Pratyahaar (Sense control) Dharana (Concentration) Dhyaana (Meditation) Samadhi (Mergence)

Yams (Behavior Controls)

"Avoid...unrighteous behavior." All our behavior should be based on a disciplined approach when we interact with others. There are five behavioral controls as postulate by sage Patanjali. These are: Ahimsa (Non – violence) Satya (Truthfulness) Brahmachaarya (Celibacy) Asteya (Non stealing) Aparigraha (Non-covetousness) These five behavior controls have to be followed by the Sadhaka (Yogic practitioner) with strong dedication and diligence.

Niyams (Rules and regulations) "Follow correct moral precepts."

All our interactions require a degree of purity, acceptance and surrender. Sage Patanjali detailed five ‘ Niyams ’ as under:

Maintain cleanliness in body and speech. Be Content with what you have Perform austerities Study the Scriptures regularly Surrender every action of yours to the Universal Spirit These five regulations help you to achieve purity in body and mind, making you morally and spiritually fit to take up the yogic pathway to enlightenment.

Asanas (Body Postures)

"Learn to be body and mind." The body is a ‘storehouse’ for mental and spiritual energy. It must be therefore kept in proper shape through correct posture. Sage Patanjali advocates a posture, which is comfortable to the physical body. A cross-legged posture with the spinal cord kept straight.

Pranayam (Breath control exercises)

"As you you live."

Breathing affects your mental state. Likewise your state of mind affects your breathing. For instance, when your mind is emotionally perturbed you will notice that you breathe faster than normal. Similarly, after running for a distance, there is rapid breathing, and you will not be able to concentrate the mind for a while. Sage Patanjali advocates a deep, slow and rhythmic breathing pattern. The process is as under: Breathe in deeply for a few seconds Hold the breath for a few seconds Breathe out again for a few seconds Now wait for a few seconds Repeat this process (from S. No. 1) again. This type of slow rhythmic breathing gives your mind, a control over the senses, Simultaneously inducing a feeling of relaxation to the body and improving mental concentration to a great extent. The effects can be practically felt, when you practice it regularly, over a period of time.

Pratyahar (Control of senses) "Sense mind control." Control of senses can be through three ways: Absence of desire for sense objects. Enjoying sense objects strictly as per scriptural injunctions. A strong sense of detachment. But according to sage Patanjali, it is not merely the absence of desire for sense object or mere detachment, but a complete absence of any awareness of the object itself! So, even though the object is present, the mind should be firmly fixed to give any attention to the sense objects.

Dhaaranaa (Concentration)

"Concentration is...unbroken contemplation."

When the body, mind and breath are under control, by following the earlier steps, then you can start fixing your attention at one place. Different commentaries on Sage Patanjali’s yoga sutras advocate different ways of fixing the gaze. But primarily, for improving your concentration, you should sit in a quiet place try focussing your gaze on a jyoti (light e.g. candle flame) or a suitable object. For improving the concentration, you should keep bringing the mind back to that object inspite of its natural tendency to wander away, as soon and as many times as is required and the ultimate objective is to attain sustained and fixed attention at will.

Dhyan (Meditation)

Dhyan is the final step towards samadhi.

Samadhi (Mergence)

" The only realisation of your Self. " This is the spontaneous final union of the individual soul with the Oversoul or God or Universal Spirit. The sadhak (spiritual practitioner) forgets his individuality and external environments and gets deeply absorbed into the cosmic wholeness with an intensity which encompasses his whole being!
Reply:Yoga in all its practices are about body, mind, spirit balance.
Reply:I personally like Tai Chi but do whatever works for you.
Reply:i do yoga stuff..

its very relaxing, help me to cope with stress, finding a way to life my live, n finding god..

you should try it.. but please be open minded..

What is The Process of Learning Tai Chi?

I want learn from starting from my home , what is starting exersise

,move ments,

What is The Process of Learning Tai Chi?
No idea.
Reply:either take a class or buy a reference book or perhaps find a video or CD..good luck
Reply:think a video is probably best...... cant see the flow of movement from a textbook.

theres afew videos on youtube.
Reply:tai chi has few simple streatching exersise but to do these exercises you need a trained tai chi expert .and to learn these techniques you have to join clases .i know a person teaching tai chi in mulund [w] in sarvoday nagar check it out if u need any further assistance do post a question .

peach fruit

Which one is better? Yoga or Tai Chi?


Which one is better? Yoga or Tai Chi?
it depends... yoga is great for flexability. tai chi is great for its relaxing movements and it too can help with flexability with the right teaching. i have done both and enjoyed both. i personally liked tai chi because i like to move and flow with relaxed movement.
Reply:i say Tia chi its much let painful and it calms your mind and help your reflexes out
Reply:i don't know what tai chi is but i know yoga is good
Reply:what is tai chi?
Reply:Yoga becoz its not better than Tai chi...its the BEST
Reply:Tai Chi is easier tha yoga and can eventually be used to defend ones self.
Reply:If you are asking which would suit better for either you or a specific person, it would depend on the person's body type and aim.

If you are looking to improve flexibility and just general agility, I'd say try yoga. They do a lot of stretching in awkward positions, so it might be a challenge for the inflexible.

If you're trying to improve your overall health, I'd say go with Tai Chi. Tai Chi helps increase your body's blood circulation without having the need to kill your cardiovascular system.

Yoga would be suitable for younger adults. For the more elderly, I would recommend Tai Chi. (However that's not to say Tai Chi is only for older people! I would recommend Tai Chi to people of all ages because of its great health benefits) My sifu teaches Tai Chi to people ranging from late-teens to people old enough to be grand parents!

Does anybody know a good book on tai chi? Cost? Please explain in brief the basics of tai chi?

There are lots of books on tai chi, which can be found at 'amazon' or from the following informative sites.

Good luck!

I did tai chi chuan and really enjoyed it, amongst other things it gave me lots of energy and a profound sense of inner peace.

I only gave it up (reluctantly) because the class times clashed with my university lectures.

Does anybody know a good book on tai chi? Cost? Please explain in brief the basics of tai chi?
There are two books that come to mind:

T'ai Chi Clasics by Waysun Liao. It has decent translations of the major writing that had the most impact on the development of taiji chuan. The the works of Chang San Feng (Founder of Wudang wushu where all taiji, bagua and xingyi come from), Wong Chung Yua and Wu Yu Xiang. It is published by Shambahala for about 15.00USD.

The other is The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan by Wong Kiew Kit. It goes through decent detail on the development of taiji from the Tang Dynasty (618-906) and through its evolutions at Wudang Mountain, Chen, Yang, Wu (both) Sun and into the present day. It is very heavily illustrated and can serve as a good reference book. It is published by Tuttle Martial Arts for about 17.00USD.

There are many others in Chinese and if you want I can let you know which ones those are and where to get them (if you can read Chinese, LOL)

Hope this helps.
Reply:I wouldn't recommend a book, simply for the reason that you must see the subtle changes in flowing from one movement to the next. A video might be good though. I'd recommend either chen or yang style tai chi
Reply:Tai Chi (Taijichuan) is a Chinese Internal martial art. Unlike Karate, Judo and other external hard martial arts; Taiji is used to promote health, stress relief and longevity as well as self defense.

There are several different types of Taiji, just as there are several different types of Karate. Chen and Yang are the most widely practiced. Chen looks more like a hard martial art than the others due to the fact that it has several speed changes and hard stomps incorporated into its forms.

Taiji is based on relaxation of the muscles. External martial arts are based on muscle tension.

Taiji is called an internal martial art because it's focus is on internal energy (aka: "Qi.")

There are many books out there about Tai Chi.

In order to recommend a book you will have to sharpen your focus a bit.

You may want to start with an overview of Taijichuan, such as:

"Tai Chi Health for Life"

by: Bruce Frantzis.

ISBN: 1-58394-144-4

"Tai Chi Health for Life" costs $24.95 new, but I see that it is selling on Amazon $16.47 (less for a used copy.)

You can take a look at the table of contents on the Amazon site.


cotton tree

Have you tried Tai Chi? How would you describe the way it felt? (Relaxing, exhausting, goofy, etc...)? sister loves it

Have you tried Tai Chi? How would you describe the way it felt? (Relaxing, exhausting, goofy, etc...)?
Love it... Relaxing for the mind (I feel at peace when doing it)...
Reply:No, but I had Chai Tea first thing this morning (straight up, honest truth).
Reply:i used to practice it. i found that it gave me energy but also left me relaxed. my hands would actually heat up throughout the forms. i found that tai chi is best done slowly. my teacher used to say "i can do tai chi slower than you"....

great mix of physical, mental and spiritual
Reply:I've tried it, and it was relaxing but not for the hyperly active or caffeine crazed in the's suppose to be slow, calm, and collecting....
Reply:I took Tai Chi at a Buddhist monastery for awhile, I also took Tai Chi Saber there and both were great but I prefer the saber because it was calming but strengthening and it was beautiful and comfortable and peaceful... I cannot say enough about the art, it is quite exhilarating actually. S.
Reply:Yes, I took a 12 weeks class. It was somewhat difficult.

It to me is not relaxing in the sense that Meditation is. It is more of an martial arts Kata or a dance routine. To learn it step by step it took twelve weeks an hour each week. If you do not practice it. Like Kung Fu or Karate, you will forget many of the moves.

When you except it , it does not seem goofy when you accomplish the form.

It can be good for stretching and a mild form of physical fitness. I plan of continuing to do it because of the possibilities it holds to clear the mind of anything else that is going on in your life. Like Golf you focus on the sport, not outside problems.

Rev. TomCat
Reply:We learned it in massage class. It was very relaxing and exhausting, but it was not tiring, if that makes sense. It was only goofy for the ones who thought the rest of us were crazy for doing it.

how to grow pomegranate

What does TAI CHI translate to in english?

太极 is a term which came from Taoism 道教.

There is a saying "阴阳合太极" (Yin Yang He Tai Ji).

I'm sure many are familiar with "Yin %26amp; Yang" in Taoism

So 阴阳合太极 can literally means Yin and Yang made up the Tai Ji。 I mention this since I saw many people writing about 太极拳Tai Ji Quan.

__________Another one___________

You might be looking for the word 太迟(Tai Chi)

It means too late. 太(tai) means "too" or "very" while 迟 (chi) means "late"

Hope these help :)

What does TAI CHI translate to in english?
Reply:fat git
Reply:Tai Chi ( Chuan ) means Ultimate Fist.
Reply:I think chi is the Chinese word for energy, just as ki is the Japanese word for it, as in Reiki. I don't know about the tai.
Reply:'Supreme Ultimate Force'.

I googled it.
Reply:it'd be like "flows of your power of life"

"Feel the force", you that
Reply:Great ultimate.

And, in full, Tai chi chuan = great ultimate boxing
Reply:Think it's "highest reach" Google it.

Reply:Technically it's tai chi chuan. In hanyu pinyin, it'd be tai ji quan, where tai ji means ultimate, and goes back to some sort of Chinese philosophy, and quan means fist. Or if you really want to break it up, tai means soemthing like (too) much, and ji means extreme(ly). Sounds somewhat weird, but basically about balance between the two ends of the spectrum.
Reply:The Mandarin term "tai chi chuan" literally translates as "supreme ultimate fist" or "boundless fist," but may better translate to "great extremes boxing,"
Reply:tai chi = tai ji = Supreme Ultimate

flowers funeral

Is tai chi really hard?

Tai chi is a very ancient practice. I do not think it is very difficult. All one needs is an experienced and knowledgable teacher. It is a very relaxing and stress-relieving practice. It is similar to yoga of India. Different positions calm the body and relieve pressure.

Is tai chi really hard?
no but it requires balance, though doing it will improve your balance if its bad.


Tai chi or chai tea?

can the two co-exist peacefully?

Tai chi or chai tea?
ABSOLUTELY!! Since Tai Chi is a martial art developed for older monks, and chai tea is a very pleasant hot drink, there is no reason they cannot coexist peacefully. I say this from personal experience with both, just not at the exact same time. It's a little difficult to do Tai Chi while trying to drink chai tea. However, it is very pleasant to have some chai tea after I finish with my Tai Chi.
Reply:Well, actually, touche is a fencing term, but thank you!!! We will be serving chai tea with muffins, won't we? Report It

Reply:yes please... spiced with a bit of sugar and milk! Report It

Reply:Ommmm -- by all means. LOL
Reply:why not
Reply:alway s they can exist in two different languages
Reply:it's tai chi.
Reply:sure, but chai is tea in russian and i suppose in other languages too. so saying chai tea is the same as saying tea tea.
Reply:Chai tea please, I am desperate for a cup of tea!!!
Reply:Yes! Both, of course.

Tai Chi is a wonderful contemplative practice for calming the mind and exercising the body. Relaxing and enjoying a good cup of chai can do the same thing. You can make your chai with just a touch of honey (instead of a lot of added sugar), green tea for less caffeine and higher antioxidant properties, and soy milk and it will be much healthier than some of the commercial products and will complement your tai chi practice better.
Reply:A little of both for a healthy happy soul...

Drink a cup for me, and make sure to stretch and breathe as you go through the motions in tai chi...

Ever try Tai Chi?

I am supposed to later.

If it is half as good as a mai tai I'll love it!

Ever try Tai Chi?
Never have. Don't hurt yourself. Didn't you pull a hamstring reaching for your purse once, Kitty?
Reply:no. never have. good luck.
Reply:Yes, good for mind and body.
Reply:No but I would like to try it.
Reply:No - I saw a guy doing Tai Chi on TV once and the music he was performing to was enough to drive me to an insane asylum, to be quite honest with you.
Reply:never tried it
Reply:Yes...and not as easy as it looks. Have fun...
Reply:Chia Tea is pretty good
Reply:It won't be anything like a mai tai.. but it is good! Good chi Good chi goo

What is the name of the song that Pauly Shore sings or hums in Encino Man when he's doing tai chi?

In the scene where Pauly Shore is doing tai chi he sings/hums a song. Can someone please tell me the name of it?

What is the name of the song that Pauly Shore sings or hums in Encino Man when he's doing tai chi?
I can't think of what part that is but I will watch it tonight and let you know!! "NO wheezing da ja-huuice...!" he he

added note: Not a clue what it is SORRY!
Reply:when he's outside with headphones on? If so, that's

"Frankenstein" by the Edgar Winter Group.

Is tai chi a good martial art to take?

is tai chi a good martial art to take

Is tai chi a good martial art to take?
the martial aspect in Tai Chi is very different from most other Martial Arts. For one, you don't fight. You move. You don't confront or spar or have contact with opponents. It is not what it is about.

It is a series of moves based on defense %26amp; counter actions from 'genuine' fighting scenarios. Done slow and focused. With focus on yourself; your breathing, your balance, your center. It take the core philosophy of moving and coordination that is required for all martial arts, but it applies them very much for a self-development application.

While initially Tai Chi was conceived to hide the fact that you were practicing a martial art, these days is it more a dance or an exercise. Yes; millions of Chinese do this daily, but out of a socializing and hobbyist intent. They'd meet in parks and have some exercise this way.

That is not to say it is easy. The coordination and balance takes some time to get right, and your legs get a solid workout as you are to do most movements and transitions with a low center of gravity. You have various forms of Tai Chi and various styles, and some - like the Chen style - would use short bursts of energy (pretending to strike for example). But never with contact.

But you don't take Tai Chi up as to learn how to fight. It is more about meditation through movement. Great way to warm up or unwind, improves your breathing, and if done properly you end a set of Tai Chi feeling more energetic, but not in a hyper active way.
Reply:depends, its more about excercise and focus than defense.
Reply:If your Tai Chi teacher shows you how to fight with Tai Chi, then it is one of the best arts to learn. If your Tai Chi teacher tells you that it is a "health dance" and not really used for fighting, then your teacher is an idiot find a new teacher. The big problem is that the teachers of Tai Chi that will actually show you how to use it in a combative way are few and far between.
Reply:If you'r looking for self defense you can use immediately forget it. If your looking to improve your health go for it. If you have trouble with the school bully today learn a few punches and some courage. Good luck.