Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tai chi or chai tea?

can the two co-exist peacefully?

Tai chi or chai tea?
ABSOLUTELY!! Since Tai Chi is a martial art developed for older monks, and chai tea is a very pleasant hot drink, there is no reason they cannot coexist peacefully. I say this from personal experience with both, just not at the exact same time. It's a little difficult to do Tai Chi while trying to drink chai tea. However, it is very pleasant to have some chai tea after I finish with my Tai Chi.
Reply:Well, actually, touche is a fencing term, but thank you!!! We will be serving chai tea with muffins, won't we? Report It

Reply:yes please... spiced with a bit of sugar and milk! Report It

Reply:Ommmm -- by all means. LOL
Reply:why not
Reply:alway s they can exist in two different languages
Reply:it's tai chi.
Reply:sure, but chai is tea in russian and i suppose in other languages too. so saying chai tea is the same as saying tea tea.
Reply:Chai tea please, I am desperate for a cup of tea!!!
Reply:Yes! Both, of course.

Tai Chi is a wonderful contemplative practice for calming the mind and exercising the body. Relaxing and enjoying a good cup of chai can do the same thing. You can make your chai with just a touch of honey (instead of a lot of added sugar), green tea for less caffeine and higher antioxidant properties, and soy milk and it will be much healthier than some of the commercial products and will complement your tai chi practice better.
Reply:A little of both for a healthy happy soul...

Drink a cup for me, and make sure to stretch and breathe as you go through the motions in tai chi...

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