Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do most Catholics?

Say they are Christian, but then accept like Yoga and Tai Chi and other practices that the Bible clearly forbids.

This one Catholic lady was telling me all about alternative medicine and Chinese medicine. I was like "let me out of here!"....

I mean, why not just start practicing vodoo too?

Why do most Catholics?
The caths are into purgatory and Mary's perpetual virginity. Neither are Biblical.
Reply:I feel so very sorry for you....

First, show me where in the bible it says "Thou shall not do Chinese medicine."

Second, do you seriously not know the difference between yoga and voodoo?

You will be in my prayers.
Reply:We do NOT accept Yoga and Tai Chi.

That lady was a whackjob.

And how can you talk to one deluded lady and translate that into "Most Catholics"?
Reply:WTF? The bible does not condem yoga, come on! running out of anti-catholic stuff already?

I have no clue what tai chi is though.
Reply:the bible doesnt ban those things.

correct me if im wrong.
Reply:Because most religious people are the same.... they pick and choose what they want to do.... even if it means practicing the new "trendy" thing from another religion/culture against the "rules" of the religion/culture they are involved with.
Reply:catholicism+ voodoo= Santeria right?
Reply:Ummm, correct me if I'm wrong but Yoga and Tai Chi were never mentioned in the Bible. How can it "clearly forbid" something that it doesn't mention?

And, seriously, if you think that learning self-defense (Tai Chi) or learning effective methods for relaxation (Yoga) are one step away from "voodoo" you must be one stressed out person.
Reply:You are using the word most again you really need to control your love of this abused word, most Catholics do not accept yoga or Tai Chi and other practices that the Bible forbids, having said that you people love to ask us to show you were a certain word is mentioned in the bible i.e Pope or Immaculate conception etc, so can you tell me were the word Rapture is printed in the bible,or the so called phrase` Once saved always saved`?

I wont even mention tai chi or yoga;
Reply:Yoga and Tai Chi, practiced solely as exercise is not forbidden. The only problem is when yoga and tai chi are ususally taught along with eastern religion.

Alternative and Chinese medicines are also forbidden? Does this mean that all persons who were treated with nonpharmaceutical medicines prior to the 20th century are damned?
Reply:Not a Catholic here, but where in the Bible does it say that? Also, why would anyone follow a book of myths that is so flawed, and you still want to live your life by that? The Bible can not even get the story of Jesus to be the same or even close.
Reply:Because they have health benefits. My gosh, things have progressed since the biblical times. Coincidentally, I wouldn't drink any form of tea or eat any type of herb or seasoning. You might be accused of the doing the very same stuff.
Reply:The Catholic dogma and ordinances in general are against the original laws of Moses. I don't see anywhere in the New Testament where ideas of other cultures is forbidden. Egyptian medicine was used by the Jews and Gentiles of the time.

To narrow your mind to be completely prejudiced against other societies and cultures would be AGAINST the New Testament. Paul was specifically sent out to teach and to learn.

Those Nuns must have slapped your hands too hard with a ruler.
Reply:I've read the Bible and I don't recall it forbidding alternative medicine or Chinese medicine.

It also doesn't mention Yoga or Tai Chi.

I'm guessing you know very little about Yoga, Tai Chi or alternative medicine.

also, the Bible says parents should kill their daughters if they fornicate, that people shouldn't eat shellfish, that women shouldn't adorn themselves with jewelry or speak in church, and all manner of other things that even Christians today have the common sense to ignore.

Each Christian has their own "comfort zone" regarding what sorts of practices they can engage in with a clear conscience. This issue is addressed in the New Testament when Paul talks about some eating meat and others not. And he characterizes it as a "weakness in faith" on the part of those who believe certain things are not allowable and asks the others to bear with those weaker ones and not make them stumble.

So, you should probably direct your spiritual energies toward your own relationship with God and focus on your own boundaries, rather than trying to dictate the terms by which other Christians should live.
Reply:You are obviously one of those people that believes everything that your spiritual leader tells you and have not checked things out yourself. This is the definition of a sheep.

When you pray, it is a form of meditation that I have heard people say is of the devil. Knowlege is a great thing, lack of it is scary. I would be very interested to see what your concepts are about Yoga, Tai Chi and Voodoun. True knowledge is the key that unlocks the door to enlightenment.
Reply:Tai chi and yoga are just physical exercises and they have nothing to do with faith as far as Catholics are concerned. You won't hear them chanting in Sanskrit. Our church also hosts the WIC program, a government program for mothers with small children, but they are merely providing the facilities.

Some Catholics have a life beyond religion. There's nothing sacred about Western pharmacology. If Chinese medicine works for some people, why not let them use it? It doesn't make them Buddhists.

Some Evangelical Christians tend to confuse appearances with reality. The parish is not endorsing the non-religious activities, only providing facilities for people who need them. It's a form of loving one's neighbor. It would not provide them for a group that was truly antithetical to Christianity.
Reply:exactly where does the bible forbid yoga, tai chi or alternative medicine.

this attitude is the reason european culture was held back by a dogmatic, distorted view of christianity for millenia
Reply:It is a fact that some Protestants do the same things........and this is an abomination in God's eyes. Christians who delve into this stuff are badly deceived, may God have mercy on them.
Reply:maybe you would be happier if we drank poison or got bitten by venomous snakes.

Hallelujah, I'm goin' to Jaysus Camp, 'cuz Reverend Jim-Bob told me to.
Reply:First of all, when just used for the exercise, there is NOTHING wrong with Yoga....but Catholics should not be messing with the meditative aspects of any religions other than Christianity.

Alternative medicines are no problem,'s when you start messing in New Age practices like "stones" haveing healing powers- THEN you are getting out of line with Catholic teachings.

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